Updated Outgoing Referral Form Information

Molly Rawdon, along with her other responsibilities, has taken over the Outgoing Referral Desk. Lindsey Pusateri is no longer with the company. Molly has created a few tips on the "ins and outs of OGR's"...
  1. Anyone from anywhere can be an outgoing referral
  2. A space has been entered on the form to enter the clients Employer Information - please make sure this is filled out
  3. Remember to send the kind of referral you want to receive - please give as much information as possible
  4. Make sure you have asked the customers' permission to send them as an OGR - and then mark the box on the form
  5. If it is a listing referral - relocation will need the address so relocation can find the closest broker
  6. Please double check all contact information so that your client can be contacted quickly - within 24 hours
  7. Email or fax the form to Molly Rawdon @ (614) 364-7542 or at molly.rawdon@cboki.com

The new Outgoing Referral Form is located in Virtual Office under Forms Online and at each cabinet location in the office.

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